There are 800 phone number prefixes within area code 204. Additionally, there are more than 1,100 phone numbers in this area code that have received at least one user report. The location of calls from area code 204 is Manitoba, Canada. Most numbers in this area code are in US Central time, where the time is currently 9:56:13 AM on January 22, 2025.
Choose a phone number from the list below to browse user reports for . You can also use the search box above to search for user reports about any phone number, or to file a report about any phone number.
Prefix | City / State | Primary Telco |
204-200 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Flexity Solutions Inc |
204-201 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Allstream Inc. |
204-202 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Fibernetics Corporation |
204-203 | Poplar Point, Manitoba | Provincial Tel Inc. |
204-204 | Manitoba | (Unknown) |
204-205 | Beausejour, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-206 | Teulon, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-207 | Roblin, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-208 | Pilot Mound, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-209 | Morris, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-210 | Minnedosa, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-211 | Manitoba | (Unknown) |
204-212 | Neepawa, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-213 | Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-214 | Eriksdale, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-215 | Boissevain, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-216 | Altona, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-217 | Altona, Manitoba | Provincial Tel Inc. |
204-218 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Telus Mobility |
204-219 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Shaw Telecom Inc. |
204-220 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bell West Inc. |
204-221 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Shaw Telecom Inc. |
204-222 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-223 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-224 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-225 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-226 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-227 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-228 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-229 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-230 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-231 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-232 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-233 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-234 | Oakburn, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-235 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-236 | Birch River, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-237 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-238 | Bowsman, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-239 | Portage La Prairie, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-240 | Portage La Prairie, Manitoba | Shaw Telecom Inc. |
204-241 | Southport, Manitoba | Shaw Telecom Inc. |
204-242 | Manitou, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-243 | Poplar Point, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-244 | Poplar River, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-245 | Pilot Mound, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-246 | Darlingford, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-247 | Roblin, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-248 | Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-249 | Portage La Prairie, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-250 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-251 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-252 | Edwin, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-253 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-254 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-255 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-256 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-257 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-258 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-259 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Telus Integrated Communications |
204-260 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-261 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-262 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-263 | Pine River, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-264 | Melita, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-265 | Brokenhead, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-266 | Beausejour, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-267 | Oakville, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-268 | Beausejour, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-269 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-270 | Lorette, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-271 | Flin Flon, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-272 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Gt Group Telecom Services Corp. |
204-273 | Manitoba | (Unknown) |
204-274 | Macdonald, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-275 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-276 | Pine Dock, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-277 | Bissett, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-278 | Inwood, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-279 | Hecla, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-280 | Eriksdale, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-281 | Swan River, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-282 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bell West Inc. |
204-283 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bell West Inc. |
204-284 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-285 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Bell West Inc. |
204-286 | Thicket Portage, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-287 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-288 | Ilford, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
204-289 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. |
204-290 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-291 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-292 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-293 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-294 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-295 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-296 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-297 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-298 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (wireless) |
204-299 | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Mts Inc. |
January 21, 2025