Calls from 866-854-5038 have resulted in 7 reports by users. This is considered a low number of reports. The earliest of these reports was in June 2018, and the latest was in September 2024. The most common descriptions of calls from 866-854-5038 given by users are scam calls (86% of reports), followed by spoof calls (29% of reports). Moreover, 86% of users share that these calls are unwanted. Details about when 866-854-5038 has made calls that have resulted in reports appear in the chart to the right or bottom of this description.
Based on our review, the caller identity for 866-854-5038 is not known, and the location they are calling from is unknown. Most numbers in this caller's area code are in US Eastern time, where the time is currently 11:26:50 PM on January 14, 2025. The telco provider for 866-854-5038 is unknown. The 866 area code used by this caller was assigned on November 7, 1999 and went into service on July 29, 2000. This area code is considered an easily recognizable code. The area code is not an overlay, and is part of the 800/888/877/866/855/844/833 complex. Furthermore, the 866 area code is assignable, is assigned, and is not reserved.
You can review user comments about calls from 866-854-5038. And if you have received a call from 866-854-5038 that you would like to report, you may submit a report about a call from 866-854-5038. Your submission along with the reports from 7 other users will help others who receive calls from this number.
VM left said they were on the way to my house to serve me. Left me the number 866-854-5038 to call them back. I called them back while I was on mute. They answered by saying "Kaufman & Kaufman" law offices. I didn't say anything, and was about to hang up when they said "Hello, then my name" so I stayed on the phone to continue to listen at which time he said, I'll call you back or I will just come to your address, (which he gave the correct address) So whoever it is, obviously have a "skip trace machine" I reported it, and cops say it's a scam!
Caller Identity: Kaufman & Kaufman law office
Call Type: Scam, Unwanted
Flag as inappropriate
The caller stated that a civil case was pending and they needed to confirm my personal information. The caller used a familiar area code (619) to make the initial contact and I asked for the firm's number. The number provided was 866-854-5038 along with a fictitious case number.
Caller Identity: Unknown
Call Type: Scam, Unwanted
Flag as inappropriate
They sounds like they are serving papers for court but sounds like a huge scam.
Call Type: Scam, Spoof, Unwanted
Flag as inappropriate
Said I was being sued and pending court date and someone was on their way to serve me.
Caller Identity: …and associates
Call Type: Scam, Unwanted
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Saying I have a cour date but didn'tgive me location
Call Type: Scam, Unwanted
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Fast talking, lying scammer. Get a real job.
Call Type: Scam, Spoof, Unwanted
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